Nebraska Outdoor Calendar

Wise and Wild: Birds and Bugs: Celebrate NE Bird Month and World Migratory Bird Day!

E.T. Mahoney State Park 28500 W Pwy Hwy, Ashland, Nebraska, Online

Wise and Wild is a program is designed for seniors (55 and up) who love the outdoors and want to enjoy time in the parks. We will share a variety of nature-related topics with activities indoors and out. Join us on your own or bring along friends of any age. These events will be held […]

Nebraska Nature Nerd Trivia- Scottsbluff

Flyover Brewing Company 1824 Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE

Attention Nature Nerds! Come join Nebraska Game and Parks as we host 5 different trivia nights on the same night across the state! (Lincoln, La Vista, Hastings, Ponca & Scottsbluff) Nature is cool and there is a lot of questions to ask, so get your fellow nature nerds together for a team (no more than […]


Nebraska Nature Nerd Trivia- Lincoln

Cosmic Eye Brewing Company 6800 P St. Suit3e #300, Lincoln, NE

Attention Nature Nerds! Come join Nebraska Game and Parks as we host 5 different trivia nights on the same night across the state! (Lincoln, La Vista, Hastings, Ponca & Scottsbluff) Nature is cool and there is a lot of questions to ask, so get your fellow nature nerds together for a team (no more than […]


Nebraska Nature Nerd Trivia- Hastings

First Street Brewing

Attention Nature Nerds! Come join Nebraska Game and Parks as we host 5 different trivia nights on the same night across the state! (Lincoln, La Vista, Hastings, Ponca & Scottsbluff) Nature is cool and there is a lot of questions to ask, so get your fellow nature nerds together for a team (no more than […]


Nebraska Nature Nerd Trivia- LaVista

Kros Strain Brewing

Attention Nature Nerds! Come join Nebraska Game and Parks as we host 5 different trivia nights on the same night across the state! (Lincoln, La Vista, Hastings, Ponca & Scottsbluff) Nature is cool and there is a lot of questions to ask, so get your fellow nature nerds together for a team (no more than […]


Nebraska Nature Nerd Trivia Night in Ponca

Cedar Hills Bar & Grill

Attention Nature Nerds! Come join Nebraska Game and Parks as we host 5 different trivia nights on the same night across the state! (Lincoln, La Vista, Hastings, Ponca & Scottsbluff) Nature is cool and there is a lot of questions to ask, so get your fellow nature nerds together for a team (no more than […]


Nebraska Nature Nerd Trivia Night- North Platte

Peg Leg Brewing Company 2519 Halligan Dr, North Platte, NE 69101

Attention Nature Nerds! Come join Nebraska Game and Parks as we host 6 different trivia nights on the same night across the state! (Lincoln, La Vista, Hastings, Ponca, North Platte & Scottsbluff) Nature is cool and there is a lot of questions to ask, so get your fellow nature nerds together for a team (no […]


Free Fishing & Park Entry Day – 2024

Visit a state park for Free Fishing and Park Entry Day on May 18th! Enjoy a Saturday of fishing or state park activities without the need to purchase a fishing or park entry permit for the day. Free Fishing and Park Entry Day, held annually in Nebraska on the Saturday preceding Memorial Day weekend, means […]

Community Fishing Event: Kearney

Fort Kearny State Recreation Area 1020 V Road, Kearney, NE

Sponsored by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, events will be held at venues across the state. Look for the Family Fishing Trailer, where loaner rods and reels, bait and fishing instruction are available free to participants. This is the perfect opportunity for people of all ages who have never been fishing or haven’t fished […]

Butterfly Training at Homestead National Historic Park – CANCELLED

Homestead National Historic Park 8523 West State Highway 4, Beatrice, NE

Please note that the in-person training at Homestead on May 18, 2024 has been cancelled. If you were interested in attending an in-person training, please consider the June 1st training at Schramm OR contact Brett Andersen at   Are you interested becoming a community scientist and helping conserve Nebraska’s rare, at-risk butterflies? Then the […]

Youth Fishing Instructor Certification Class, Nebraska Turpin Outdoor Education Center, Lincoln

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Youth Fishing Instructors are part of the Youth Fishing Program, a statewide team of volunteers and Game and Parks staff who host educational fishing events. Workshop participants will receive training and tools to conduct youth fishing clinics. These volunteers will have access to Game and Parks’ loaner fishing equipment and educational materials for events. They […]

Low-tech Process Based Restoration in Nebraska

Low-tech Process Based Restoration in Nebraska May 20th, 2024 | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (CST) Register Here     LTPBR as a method for stream restoration is rapidly gaining momentum in the states to the west of us. While most people's minds jump straight to beaver dam analogs, these are only one tool in the chest. […]