Nebraska Outdoor Calendar

Wildcat Tales: Web Walkers

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Uncover secrets from our eight-legged friend, the spider. Learn about their special adaptations, wide diversity and webs they weave. Each Wildcat Tales program will include a lesson plan, story, and hands-on activity specifically targeted for early learners ages 2-6 years. The preschool programs will meet at the Nature Center at 10am. Each month is a […]

Wildcat Hills Homeschool Program-Oh Deer

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Deer are adapted for living in the Wildcat Hills. Lets discover the different types a deer we have living here along with some of their other adaptations. The homeschool programs will meet once a month at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center.  These programs will be conducted rain or shine, so be prepared for the unpredictable […]

Wildcat Tales: Winter Wonderland

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

What do you think the animals do to prepare for winter?  Let’s experience the wonders of winter at the Wildcat Hills! Each Wildcat Tales program will include a lesson plan, story, and hands-on activity specifically targeted for early learners ages 2-6 years. The preschool programs will meet at the Nature Center at 10am. Each month […]

Noon Year’s Eve

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Celebrate New Years Eve together as a family! Let’s count down to the new year at midday, making it just as special as midnight. Take part in craft, photo booth and balloon drop. This program is FREE, but participants will need to have a valid 2022 Nebraska Park Entry Permit. Please pre-register by Dec 17 […]

First Day Hike at Wildcat Hills

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Start the new year off right with a First Day Hike at the Wildcat Hills. Discover rocky buttes, ponderosa pine woodlands and the animals that call this area home. Meet at the Nature Center for this .5 mile hike. Pets are welcome and must be on a 6 ft leash. Hot chocolate and cookies provided […]

Wildcat Tales: Groundhogs

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Come along and learn the history of this fun holiday and it’s animal ambassador. Each Wildcat Tales program will include a lesson plan, story, and hands-on activity specifically targeted for early learners ages 2-6 years. The preschool programs will meet at the Nature Center at 10am. Each month is a different program topic! A valid Nebraska […]

Wildcat Hills Homeschool Program-Rough Reptiles

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Bumpy, lumpy and warty reptiles. Encounter local reptiles of western Nebraska and learn amazing adaptations of this often misunderstood group of animals. This monthly homeschool program will meet at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center south of Gering NE.  These programs will be conducted rain or shine, so be prepared for the unpredictable Nebraska weather! A […]

Wildcat Tales: Slow Slugs

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Wiggle to the left, wiggle to the right! Let’s uncover cool things about our slow, slug friends! Each Wildcat Tales program will include a lesson plan, story, and hands-on activity specifically targeted for early learners ages 2-6 years. The preschool programs will meet at the Nature Center at 10am. Each month is a different program […]

Wildcat Hills Homeschool Program-Waterfowl

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

How do biologist and artists work together and learn about North American waterfowl? During this program, learn a bit more about the EnvironArt program and even learn to draw waterfowl like a professional artist! This monthly homeschool program will meet at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center south of Gering NE.  These programs will be conducted […]

Wildcat Tales: Leaping Leprechaun

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Come along and have a shamrockin’ good time as we explore all things green! Each Wildcat Tales program will include a lesson plan, story, and hands-on activity specifically targeted for early learners ages 2-6 years. The preschool programs will meet at the Nature Center at 10am. Each month is a different program topic! A valid […]

Wildcat Hills Homeschool Program-Beautiful Butterflies

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

So many butterflies, so little time! Butterflies come in all shapes and sizes. Let’s uncover their adaptions and the places they call home. This monthly homeschool program will meet at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center south of Gering NE.  These programs will be conducted rain or shine, so be prepared for the unpredictable Nebraska weather! […]

Wildcat Tales: Rowdy Reptiles

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

Bumpy, lumpy and warty reptiles. Encounter local reptiles of western Nebraska and learn the amazing adaptations of this often-misunderstood group of animals. Each Wildcat Tales program will include a lesson plan, story, and hands-on activity specifically targeted for early learners ages 2-6 years. The preschool programs will meet at the Nature Center at 10am. Each […]