Nebraska Outdoor Calendar

Event Series Try Rifle

Try Rifle

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Ever wanted to learn how to shoot? Want to learn a little bit about rifles? Not sure where to begin? Try Rifle is your place to start! This safe and first-time friendly program covers basic safety rules, handling demonstrations, and starter techniques. Participants get to shoot on the range as part of this one-hour class! […]

USA Archery Pin Shoot – Indoor 600

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Check in begins at 5 pm / ends at 5:45 pm; practice and scoring begin at 6 pm. MEMBERSHIP The tournament is open to all USA Archery members as well as archers with no affiliation. Eligible USA Archery members can earn qualifying pin scores (pins are to be physically awarded by your home club - […]

Event Series Women’s Archery Happy Hour – January

Women’s Archery Happy Hour – January

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Mondays in January, you are invited to join in an evening of archery FOR women, taught by women. Choose from a four-week intro class or 'next-level' advice section, depending on your comfort with the material. The intro section features a lesson and time on the archery range practicing with a bow each week. Class goes from 5:30 […]

Event Series Wildcat Hills Preschool Program

Wildcat Hills Preschool Program

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

The Wildcat Hills preschool programs will meet once a month at 10am MT at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center. Certified staff will lead various programs that include a story, hands-on activities and themed lesson. Activities will focus hands-on learning and observations, specifically targeted for early learners’ ages 2-6 years. These programs will be conducted rain […]

Big Game Meeting – Holdrege

Cobblestone Inn & Suites 814 Burlington St., Holdrege, Nebraska

*Due to impending snow, the big game meeting in Holdrege has been moved from Monday, Jan. 8 to Tuesday, Jan. 16. Hunters and landowners are encouraged to offer their feedback on big game issues during the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s public information meetings this winter. These meetings, which are scheduled in each Game and […]

Event Series Homeschool Hikes at Schramm

Homeschool Hikes at Schramm

Schramm Education Center 21502 West Highway 31, Gretna, NE

Homeschool Hikes is a monthly nature exploration program hosted by the Schramm Education Center geared towards homeschool families. Each month, families can join a naturalist for a guided hike on the Schramm Park State Recreation Area hiking trails. During the program, participants will ask questions, draw, observe, and make discoveries in nature. Participants will have […]

$4 – $5

Nebraska Natural Legacy Project Public Meeting: North Platte

UNL Extension – West Central Research and Extension Center 402 W. State Farm Rd., North Platte

Be a part of the process to update Nebraska’s state wildlife action plan, which outlines conservation efforts and priorities for Nebraska’s most vulnerable plant and animal species. Public meetings for the plan, known as the Nebraska Natural Legacy Project, are scheduled across the state. Participants can learn about the plan and the science behind it, […]

Event Series Wildcat Hills Homeschool Programs

Wildcat Hills Homeschool Programs

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

The Wildcat Hills homeschool programs will meet once a month at 10am MT at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center. Certified staff will lead various programs each month that will showcase a different theme; focusing on ecosystems, animals, adaptations, and habitats found only in western Nebraska. Activities will focus hands-on learning and observations, targeted to your […]

Event Series Homeschool Hikes at Schramm

Homeschool Hikes at Schramm

Schramm Education Center 21502 West Highway 31, Gretna, NE

Homeschool Hikes is a monthly nature exploration program hosted by the Schramm Education Center geared towards homeschool families. Each month, families can join a naturalist for a guided hike on the Schramm Park State Recreation Area hiking trails. During the program, participants will ask questions, draw, observe, and make discoveries in nature. Participants will have […]

$4 – $5

Science of…Flying Squirrels (Virtual Event)

Zoom- online

False advertising plays a huge role in this creature’s name, as they don’t actually fly, but glide instead. Flying Squirrels are listed as a threatened species in Nebraska and inhabit primarily hardwood forests along the southeastern edge of the state. Recently, this species has been popping up in other locations as well, such as the […]


Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Second Shots Pistol is designed to build on the handgun skills introduced in our FIRST SHOTS course. It's also a good refresher for those who are years out of practice. Students learn more about ammunition, loading a magazine, clearing a pistol and locking the slide back, and handling malfunctions. Plus, students get the practical experience […]

POSTPONED – Nebraska Natural Legacy Project Public Meeting: Wood River

Crane Trust 9325 South Alda Road, Wood River, NE

Due to inclement weather, the Natural Legacy Project Meeting at Wood River has been postponed to a later date (TBD). Please stay tuned on Facebook and the Game and Parks Outdoor Calendar for updates!   Be a part of the process to update Nebraska’s state wildlife action plan, which outlines conservation efforts and priorities for […]