Nebraska Outdoor Calendar

Winter Archery League – Mojo Indoor Target

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Add excitement and variety to your range practice by joining our indoor archery league! Ages 10 and up. Previous archery experience required. The league will follow the round schedule listed below and run for 8 weeks, with scores recorded each week and a cumulative score for the series. Target face and distances will accord to […]

Event Series Winter Rimfire Pistol League

Winter Rimfire Pistol League

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Looking for a little direction for your range practice? Maybe a bit of challenge? Look no further! All league courses of fire are untimed and each week's score may be shot any time during the range's open hours, Monday through Sunday. First week of league starts 1/22/24. While weekly submissions are encouraged, the sole deadline is that […]

Event Series Wildcat Hills Preschool Program

Wildcat Hills Preschool Program

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

The Wildcat Hills preschool programs will meet once a month at 10am MT at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center. Certified staff will lead various programs that include a story, hands-on activities and themed lesson. Activities will focus hands-on learning and observations, specifically targeted for early learners’ ages 2-6 years. These programs will be conducted rain […]

M is for Mushrooms, Mycelium and March at Schramm Education Center

Schramm Park State Recreation Area 21502 W. Highway 31, Gretna, NE

March is a great time to learn about morel mushrooms, as they’ll start to show up about this time of year. Join us on Tuesday, March 12th for a mushroom hunt (choose from 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. start times)! We’ll hike around the park looking for all kinds of fungi, lichen and non-vascular plants. […]

M is for Mushrooms, Mycelium and March at Schramm Education Center

Schramm Park State Recreation Area 21502 W. Highway 31, Gretna, NE

March is a great time to learn about morel mushrooms, as they’ll start to show up about this time of year. Join us on Tuesday, March 12th for a mushroom hunt (choose from 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. start times)! We’ll hike around the park looking for all kinds of fungi, lichen and non-vascular plants. […]

Event Series College Night on the Range

College Night on the Range

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Take a break from the grind and try a unique activity! Practice with friends! The possibilities are... well, not endless, but might be fun. Every Tuesday 7-9 pm this semester, College Night at the Outdoor Ed Center gives you the chance to learn, relax, and improve your skills. Never shot a bow before? Not a […]

Event Series Wildcat Hills Homeschool Programs

Wildcat Hills Homeschool Programs

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

The Wildcat Hills homeschool programs will meet once a month at 10am MT at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center. Certified staff will lead various programs each month that will showcase a different theme; focusing on ecosystems, animals, adaptations, and habitats found only in western Nebraska. Activities will focus hands-on learning and observations, targeted to your […]

Wildcat Hills Homeschool Programs – Powerful Prairie Dogs

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area 210615 NE-71, Gering, NE

The Wildcat Hills homeschool programs will meet once a month at 10 a.m. MT at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center. Certified staff will lead various programs each month that will showcase a different theme; focusing on ecosystems, animals, adaptations, and habitats found only in western Nebraska. Activities will focus hands-on learning and observations, targeted to […]

Event Series Explore Archery

Explore Archery

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Explore Archery is a fun and perfect fit for beginners of any ability wanting to get started in the sport of archery. If a student is fairly new to archery and looking for a full introductory program, Explore Archery has everything you need – bows, arrows, and enthusiastic instructors! You’ll learn range safety, fundamentals of […]

Event Series FIRST Shots Pistol

FIRST Shots Pistol

Turpin Outdoor Education Center - Lincoln 4703 N 44th St, Lincoln, NE

Take your first shots with us! The biggest challenge for new shooters is getting started. First Shots makes getting started in shooting very easy - and, thanks to NSSF partnership*, it's only $10! At a First Shots seminar, you'll receive: -An educational introduction to the safe and recreational use of firearms -Individual and group training […]

Animals Signs in the Spring at Schramm Education Center

Schramm Education Center 21502 West Highway 31, Gretna, NE

Hike with park naturalists and look for signs of animals out on the trails. You may know an animal has been around by the tracks they leave, the homes they have made or the scat they scatter about. Become a “Critter Scene Investigator” (CSI) expert as you seek out signs at Schramm Park.

Youth Fishing Instructor Certification Class, North Platte

North Platte Fish Hatchery 444 E State Farm Rd, North Platte, Nebraska

Youth Fishing Instructors are part of the Youth Fishing Program, a statewide team of volunteers and Game and Parks staff who host educational fishing events. Workshop participants will receive training and tools to conduct youth fishing clinics. These volunteers will have access to Game and Parks’ loaner fishing equipment and educational materials for events. They […]