Nebraska Outdoor Calendar

Science of…Nebraska Bats

Bats are often very misunderstood creatures. Many people think they are blind, or that they are simply rats with wings, others believe bats are extremely dangerous. Well, BUSTED! Many of these myths and stereotypes that bats have earned are not true! In this Science of episode we will be giving you the facts to help […]


Science of…Crayfish

These creatures are totally claw-some! Get it? Because they are like mini lobsters…with claws. Anyway, crayfish are in Nebraska, and we have several different species of them being found throughout the state! These crustaceans are some of the most interesting animals that are found in aquatic areas and yet there is still a lot of […]


Nebraska Nature Nerd Night: Aquatic Wonders

Scales, swim bladders, lateral lines … fish have unreal adaptations to living in a wet water world. Join us as we dive into the world through a fish’s eye, and learn about the incredible diversity and life strategies of fish found here in Nebraska. This is a FREE event, but registration is required: Register Here Remember- […]


Aligning Practice with Developmental Needs in Environmental Education | Lunch & Learn Webinar

Aligning Practice with Development Needs in Environmental Education July 20, 2022 | 12:30pm – 1:30pm (Central Time) Free virtual webinar, register here: Environmental education is used to teach students about ecological topics ranging from food webs to endangered species. How might these topics be taught differently along different age groups? In this webinar, we’ll […]

Science of…Beetles

Beetles are everywhere! Well, given that there are over 350,000 different species in the world, it’s not hard to imagine that. In fact, in the grand scheme of things- they are the largest group in the animal kingdom, representing around ¼ of all known animals. Beetles are the most common type of insect, but they […]


Science of…Edible Plants

Maybe you expect to be lost in the wilderness someday, or, maybe you want to try a new cooking technique and throw in those wild edible plants you found on your hike. Either way identifying edible plants is an important skill for any outdoor enthusiast. There are actually quite a few delicious edible botanicals throughout […]


Discover Nature: Early Childhood Educator Workshop

Increase the quantity and quality of the experiences your children have with nature by attending this workshop. Connect your little learners with the nature in your neighborhood using three award-winning environmental education curriculum designed for youth ages 1-6. Participants will receive a copy of all three curriculum guides, a certificate for 6 hours of in-service […]


Science of…Raptors

As much as I wish we could spend a whole Science of Episode discussing the coolest animal within the Jurassic Park movies, we will actually be talking about the other raptors- the birds of prey. Technically in the scientific world the term “bird of prey” describes any bird that preys on other animals- so this […]


Nature & Human Well-being: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic – Lunch & Learn Webinar

Nature and Human Well-being: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic August 10, 2022 | 12:30pm – 1:30pm (Central Time) Free webinar, register here: A growing body of evidence points to the many benefits associated with spending time in nature. This webinar will highlight well-being benefits associated with spending time in nature by exploring the role of […]

Science of…Night Sky Ecology

It’s no secret that humans have used the night sky for orientation for generations, but what a lot of people don’t realize is that it is just as important, if not more critical for animals. Sea turtles, birds and even dung beetles have been known to use the night sky for many different things. For […]


Nebraska Nature Nerd Night: Ecological Super Heroes

Keystone species are animals that play a huge role in their environment’s web of life. Often their existence helps support dozens of other species and environmental processes helpful for healthy ecosystems. Prairie dogs, bison, and beavers are a few examples of ecological super heroes that live or have lived here in Nebraska. Join us as […]