Nebraska Outdoor Calendar

Wise and Wild: Nature Photography

E.T. Mahoney State Park 28500 W Pwy Hwy, Ashland

Wise and Wild is a program is designed for seniors (55 and up) who love the outdoors and want to enjoy time in the parks. We will share a variety […]

Community Fishing Event: Papillion

Halleck Park Lake - Papillion Papillion

Sponsored by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, events will be held at venues across the state. Look for the Family Fishing Trailer, where loaner rods and reels, bait and […]

Kayak Clean Up at Lake Zorinsky

Lake Zorinsky 156th and F St, Omaha

  Wildlife need clean and healthy spaces to live and enjoy. And what’s good for wildlife is good for people too! We know our community believes in the need for […]