Oak Woodland Restoration and Management
February 10th, 2025| 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm (CST) Register Here
Due to several factors including suppression of fire, oak woodlands have been degraded and lost. This presentation will delve into what oak woodlands are, methods for their restoration, and the continuing management needed to retain this unique habitat.
Presenter: Hanna Barnes, Project Biologist, Northern Prairies Land Trust
Presenter Bio: Hanna works in northeastern Nebraska on public land and with private landowners to restore oak woodlands and further habitat management. Off the clock, she enjoys reading, playing music, and spending time with family.
This webinar is part of the Master Naturalist Mondays webinar series. Nebraska Master Naturalist is a statewide volunteer conservation program. Our program recruits, trains, manages, and provides resources for our volunteer naturalist members. We use four strategies to meet Nebraska’s conservation needs, Habit Stewardship, Community Science, Environmental Education & Interpretation, and Outdoor Recreation & Skills. This free webinar series will host a variety of presenters and subject matter within these four conservation strategies. Master Naturalist Mondays is a space to connect us to our conservation motivations and inspirations, and our Naturalist community across the state of Nebraska.
All webinars will be recorded and found HERE.
For further details visit our website, HERE.