Highly anticipated Ladies Day on the Range event isn’t just about hitting targets; it’s about equipping women with knowledge and skills to feel confident and secure operating a firearm or archery equipment On April 26 from 9 – 11 a.m. Kearney Outdoor Education Complex is just one of the six locations take part in the event.
Throughout the event, participants can try archery and shotguns. The day is designed to blend education, camaraderie and fun!
Certified instructors will provide participants with a solid understanding of safety, aiming techniques, and firing basics. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or new, our welcoming atmosphere and expert instruction will ensure an unforgettable experience for women of all skill levels.
Equipment and materials will be available to try or participants may bring their own. Ranges will vary on which firearm and archery is offered that day.
Advance registration fee is $15 and receive an outdoor related gift. Fee is $20 for those that don’t register before April 26. State Park Permit will be required.