Come join us for a different style of hike!
The hike will begin at 4:00 PM. We will have 3 points on the trail where we reflect together out loud for about 2 minutes and then keep moving.
Optional: Arrive at 3:45 PM for a brief discussion of historical and other cool information before we start the hike
The trail is mostly an 8 ft wide dirt path on the East side of Salt Creek.
One immediate observation you will make is the wintery appearance of the forest as the leaves have fallen off the branches to litter the forest floor with its now crisp, crunchy leaves. Watch the sunlight filters through the the once impenetrable canopy as many songbirds, woodpeckers and squirrels are moving fast before winding down for the night. Kids can keep track of how many different types of nests seen during this journey.
All are welcome to this family friendly event. In the case that your worried your young one will have a hard time remaining quiet for the hike, bring them anyway! You may be surprised how many observations they can make.
We will bring some binoculars, microscopes and other lenses for forest exploration as well.
Please be aware that there are no restroom facilities at this location.
Cancellation: In the event that we have sustaining winds +15 MPH and/or other concerning weather, this event may be cancelled.
Watch this event page for any last minute updates.